Two Emotions Experienced

February 15, 2014


As a Valentine gift, my book, Delta Blues: From Darkness to Lightis free on Kindle: February 15-16, 2014.


When I come into the light

Two real things happen to me

One of them is the great joy

The other is grief


The joy of being forgiven

The grief is the damage done

I meet the joy and sorrow

I’m broken by both


Looking back I can see it

I see the love that pursued me

I see the darkness I lived in

The joy and grief merge


I ask my children to tell me

What I failed to give to them

They are reluctant to say

They are being kind


But I know the truth

I could not give them something

That I did not have


I am forgiven

It’s ok to realize

I had direction

I did not have perfection

The truth can still help me grow


I live in my Father’s love

A gift I receive daily

We meet in private each day

His invitation


So joy and sorrow

Come with walking in the light

Love overcomes all


Hear his gentle words

He says, “Do not be afraid

My Peace be with you”


So sometimes I weep

With no language for the pain

For the hurt I caused

The compassionate Christ comes

Gives me His Holy Spirit


Yesterday I went to a prison to speak to the inmates as they begin a study of the Sermon on the Mount.  His words have brought me a way to practice how to live in the reality of both the sorrow and the joy.  His brilliant words practiced lead to real life.  They are using Jim Woodroof’s book ,“Famous Sayings of Jesus, that breaks open His teaching in Matthew 5, 6 and 7.


My book, Delta Blues: From Darkness to Light  is highlighted today on my daughter Sara’s blog “A Spacious Place”.