His Best “Yes”

February 23, 2015

He gave His best “Yes”
It is always “Yes” with Him
Surprised by the joy


I remember that big day
I recognized His passion
His personal love for me


Fourteen and a half
Touched deeply by His great Love
I wept as I saw it
Hot tears flowed from my dark eyes
Cleansed and brought me into light


No one can fathom
Words cannot express my heart
Compassion captured my soul
One man gave it all
My mind riveted on Him
Father never let me go


Thirty thousand feet
Flying to Jerusalem
Remembering what happened
I’m still overwhelmed
Just fifty-eight years later
With inexpressible love


I am going into darkness
I know I will find the light
Among the broken and hurting
That is where He lives


The reason I am going to Jerusalem today is to attend a conference dedicated to being with those who have been victimized by terror in the Middle East. But those who are attending are coming from all over the world to meet with those searching for that pinhole of light that leads to the joy. The reflections of the day are coming out of Psalm 22. – A Psalm of David. God never took His eyes off of His Son.

A Focused Love

February 13, 2015


Each day brings trouble
Tragedy is around us
Suffering overwhelms us
Where can we find peace


My soul languishes
Fear and anxiety rule
Where can I find rest


I stand amazed when love comes
Light springs up in the darkness
Hope born in desperation
Our God hears our cry


Looking back I see
When I trusted God He came
Lifted the burden
Opened my eyes to see love
My greatest work is “Believe”


I’ll hope against hope
I’ve been given a reason
I’ll focus and understand
God became a man
Human in every way
He chose to suffer the pain


A personal gift
An intimate love given
Each person is known
Beloved, seen, heard and treasured
This is the heart of God known


Death cannot destroy
Joy sits above circumstance
The presence of love
In the life of everyone
Can be seen by looking back


Open our eyes, Lord
To see things that matter
Let gentleness rule
The way that we treat ourselves
And the way we treat others


Your unfailing love
Was demonstrated so well
In the life of your Son


No matter what the trouble I may face each day, I get to choose who sits at the center of my soul. With all the noise of the human tragedy around me my heart is drawn to one voice. It is the voice of love I will focus on today. That love is bigger than my circumstance. It is bigger than death. That love is worth dying for. That love will enhance every person I meet today. This love guarantees permanent, constant and continual growth. It is testable! I could be right! These reflections come out of meditating on the Psalms. All the best!

Move to the Light

January 3, 2015


It is not easy
To be a human being
With all the trouble
With all the failure we share
We inflict on each other


Children suffer most
What they receive they will give
What they hear they speak
These cycles can be broken
A gift from the Son of man


Forgiveness – the miracle
It breaks the cycle of death
Opens the window to joy
Freedom to be you


When there are hard times
I’ll stop and evaluate
And move to the light


No darkness exists
When the light of life is there
The Son of man came
To give life abundantly
He did it being human


The movie “Unbroken” reveals the inhumanity to man. It illuminates the power of forgiveness in the midst of man’s inhumanity to man. Louis Zamperini’s overcoming reveals the greatness in a person who decides to never give up. He discovers the freedom to be Louis Zamperini. The book “Unbroken” reveals the rest of the story of how the move to total inner freedom came from forgiveness – the greatest miracle of his life.   I John in the New Testament tells how to “Move to the Light.”